Tuesday, October 27, 2009

With Meat We Shall Not Inherit The Earth - Andrew Stuttaford

Do you like to eat meat?  Well you're going to have to get over that.  The climate demands it. 
People will need to turn vegetarian if the world is to conquer climate change, according to a leading authority on global warming. -- Full link the Andrew Stuttaford's article is below.
When will that climate ever be satisfied?  I'm sure air travel is bad for the environment, should we go back to steamships crossing the Atlantic?  Should we turn back the clock to the 1800's and require we all use trains that crisscross the nation?  Why is it that in every other phase of society and culture and life people tell us we can't live in the past, but when it comes to the environment we are constantly told that modernity is wrong? 

Some examples: 
1.  Gay marriage:  traditional marriage is antiquated and discriminatory.  We can't live in the past we have to accept the times and be open to other definitions of love.

2.  Living Constitutionalists:  we cannot allow ourselves to live in the past and be controlled by the dead hand of men who had no concept of what today's modern world would look like.

3.  Civility and Respect:  listen, times have changed.  Concepts of right and wrong are not clear cut today.  I mean no one takes off their hat indoors anymore.  No one holds the door for women just because they are women, come on that wouldn't be respecting their equality or feminism.  This is an evolving and changing world and if you are old fashioned you'll be left behind.

These are just a few of the examples off the top of my head, but the point is in most other places in our lives we are advancing (I refuse to say evolving or progressing, frankly because neither of those ideas in my mind are true).  Nonetheless we are moving forward.  So why is it that those who worship at the idol's alter of climate change and global warming keep asking us to move backward?

Link to the full post:
With Meat We Shall Not Inherit The Earth - Andrew Stuttaford - The Corner on National Review Online

1 comment:

JC said...

You are on to something here. But it is contextual - I agree with you that the idea that simply because something is antiquated it is no longer valid is false, but similarly simply because something has been around for a long time doesn't make it true. So, a lot of the rhetoric aimed at things like gay marriage or at one time the absence of a central bank which centered on the notion that it is "ancient" was in response to conservatives argument that we must keep to "tradition." One bad turn deserves another I suppose.