Thursday, November 12, 2009

Restoring the Republic

Any high school football coach worth his salt will tell you that it is not his day to day coaching that wins championships, but instead a town's whole program that keeps a team on top – specifically, its feeder program. Unfortunately, this little piece of high school football wisdom is something Republicans seems to have forgotten. And as a result, the left is slowly but surely winning the battle for the hearts and minds of the American people. Now, don’t get me wrong. I am sure there are some excellent programs out there for the conservative youth, but they pale in comparison to the Democratic program that is Public School.

The centralized public school system is the most powerful weapon currently utilized in ideological warfare. It breeds dependence on and obedience to authority. This is reflected in both the ideas schools preach - the liberal conception of history, of economics and of morality - and the methods by which they operate - compulsory attendance. But much worse than any one particular idea perpetuated by the public school system, is the deep psychological root which Public School plants in each and every human being subjected to its dominion. Students are told what to think about, what to think, what to do, what to study, where to go, when to go there, what to say, what to feel, even how to feel it. In short, the whole process is nothing less than the collective conditioning of an entire society to accept as natural the guidance, authority and omniscience of an all powerful state.

Now, most at this point would probably call for the end of public education, but this author no longer intends to fight Authoritarianism on its own terms. Instead he intends to subvert authoritarianism without it ever knowing it is under attack. That is precisely what the Communists did through public education and it is high time the Capitalists returned the favor.

So, what is to be done?

Republicans must utilize the force of self-interest to their own advantage. Just as we preach free markets in the realm of politics so too should we preach self-interest in creating effective political strategy. We are well aware that people are creatures driven by selfish desire, and it is by harnessing this energy that one guides individuals to take the actions desired of them. Consider the ten year old who wants a new cell phone, or the young high school student who wants a college education, or perhaps the young adult looking to vacation off the coast of Spain, in each case there is a desire so strong, so powerful, that in order to actualize it a person will be willing to take up tasks that typically he would dare not consider. (Attempt to persuade your average person of reading a book and you will quickly see how closed off the mind is in the absence of self-initiative.) But the trick is merely to place the action that we desire of them between their present reality and their desired outcome. This could be the reading of a book, the watching of a film, the conception of an idea, the accomplishment of some physical feat – the specific action is unimportant so long as it directs their energies towards the realization of our goal, which is, of course, a free society. This may sound a little dirty. It may sound like I am preaching mind control. I am not. I’m preaching that we expose minds to true ideas through voluntary means by harnessing the power of self-interest.

Such methods have been tried in the past and many have experienced great success, but they have yet to be utilized to the degree necessary to truly effect a shift in society’s thinking, i.e. they have yet to compete with the public educational system. For the most part, Republicans have failed to see that public education is subverting their political efforts. Like a company unaware of a competitor gaining market share, the Republicans have slept while Socialist dogma became commonplace in public schools across the country. Now, the market demand for Republican ideas and free-market solutions is dwindling as the demand for socialist reaffirmation grows. Everyone wants to hear what they already believe - think..."Yes We Can." They were not taught the meaning of those three words during the course of President Obama's campaign. President Obama is the consequence, not the cause - President Obama's slogan like affirmations merely reflect the ideas that the majority of young Americans are taught year after year. Obama did not persuade, he was simply the most powerful reaffirming force on the Democratic ticket. Similarly, Republicans need to rebuild their ideological base so that their political leaders can harness the energy of an already persuaded majority.

But to effectively compete with the public school system a tremendous amount of capital resources will be required – and to shift those resources it will be necessary to deplete the amount of monies currently invested in Republican political aspirations. This is why the Republicans choose not take this course. They are too focused on present control and as such they are unable to see the fact that year by year their values are being stripped from their constituents, not because they are losing elections, but because the intellectual foundations necessary for their political rhetoric to succeed is being subverted. (It is being subverted in more ways than one, but this is about solutions and not past mistakes) Thus, if Republicans do not change their strategy soon they will inevitably collapse to leftist political pressure as it continues to grow through the aid of public education. Why, just the other day I saw a class of fifteen children no older than ten years walking the streets of Arlington with their teacher requesting that people sign their petitions to fight global warming. Is this an educational establishment or a political weapon?

In sum, to put a stop to the leftist movement, to restore individual liberty and to unleash the productive genius that is human creativity, those individuals who believe in freedom should reevaluate their priorities. Instead of focusing on the politics of the day, they should widen their vision and see things on the long range scale. That is the kind of vision the left utilizes and that is the kind of vision that has brought them the success they now enjoy. And if the right does not soon make use of similar tactics they will lose this ideological war.

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