Tuesday, September 15, 2009

President Obama Is Horribly Anti-Capitalist

As President Obama continues to push for the radical shift to socialism it is no longer just his handlers and lackeys who are out there shoveling this stuff. While David Axelrod has the audacity to say in an interview Sunday that the 2 million plus protesters who showed up and rallied on the National Mall and the Capitol the day before were, "flat out wrong", President Obama was getting prepared to make a speech to Wall Street on Monday.

President Obama less than a week after speaking to the entire nation was in front of Wall Street. The topic of his speech was economic reforms and policy changes. At both engagements he spoke of changes to the very fabric and core of what the United States has always been about, capitalism and trade. This quote from the article linked below basically says it all:
Obama’s dis of the stock exchange paled in comparison to his inane moralizing at the Federal Hall. No man who has signed into law a $1 trillion spending bill has any right to talk to anyone about financial responsibility, ever. And to tell titans on Wall Street that the solution to the bad lending that got us into this mess is to start doing more bad lending again is just intolerable. The speech was met with a complete lack of applause from the audience, something this President is not used to...
What is unfortunate about this situation is that the President does not seem to understand that his policies are wrong. This is forgivable, we all are guilty of falling in love with our own ideology. However, what is worse and unforgivable, is that millions of Americans are voicing their concerns, frustrations, outrage, and opposition to these policies at tea parties, town hall meetings, and DC rallies and the the President and the liberal elitists he surrounds himself with just don't care. The best examples of this come from the Axelrod comment above and from the President himself. I do not know of a better way to tell the American public to shove off than what President Obama basically said in his national address, if you challenge us we will call you out.

What the left seems to forget so very frequently is that from the very beginning the the United States recognized the importance of free trade and markets. In the Declaration of Independence the founders claimed the King's, "cutting off our trade with all parts of the world" as a major grievance. The Framers declared that all free and independent states have the right to, "full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce...". Again recognizing the importance of trade, to establish commerce. The Founders knew that only through prosperity can one achieve self reliance and freedom. The Founders also stated, "we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends". Why is this important, because we conduct commerce and trade with our friends.

We acknowledge that free markets on occasion have negative externalities. However, for the overwhelming majority of instances, where free markets have been introduced prosperity has followed. President Obama, I beg you to reconsider your socialistic policies, unfortunately the American people cannot afford for you to be so horribly wrong on this.

Read the following article for an expanded view on this subject:
President Obama’s Horribly Anti-Capitalist Monday

1 comment:

JC said...

What negative externalities? Give them an inch, they'll take a mile. There can be no compromise between freedom and slavery. The conservatives of years past thought they could maintain a "mixed-economy," but, as we are now witnessing, the march towards communism is stronger than ever. Simply put, appeasement does not work with the power hungry. (not that you were appeasing, but intellectually, the externalities argument as a criticism of capitalism is not valid).